12 March 2007

Something Techies Should Know By Now

Prelude: Client hoses his operation system because he is an aggressive power-user. Techs at BestBuy and CompUSA declare that his hard drive is failing. Client buys new computer. A third (part-time?) tech recovers client data to a CD-R.

Start working the problem:

  1. CD-R disc is discovered not have important files, like outlook.pst.
  2. The hard drive was placed in a bubble wrap envelope, with no anti-static properties.
  3. The SATA connector is partially broken; someone used hot-glue to hold their connector cable.
  4. Hardware-wise the hard drive works fine.
  5. The file system could be in better shape: many zero-size files with names like, "X~@", but scandisk returns no errors.
  6. Cannot access some folders. Hmm . . .
  7. The operating system is — can you guess? — Windows XP Professional!
  8. Unlock the folders. The procedure is nicely documented at MSKB 810881.
  9. Recover 9.5 Gigabytes of personal data, including a 0.5 GB outlook.pst file.

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